My Story

Where does Jan solo come from?

About the origin of the name Jan Solo a lot of theories exist yet the only truth you can find here.

I like puns a lot and at the very beginning it was just me, Jan, so it just made sense.  I am not taking credit for this pun,  it came from the fact that my wife used this nickname “Jan solo” to mock me when I was in New Zealand for a cycling adventure and somehow the name stuck around as the only valid candidate for this entrepreneurial adventure.



When you do not seize opportunities you can't get lucky

Why I Started Jan solo?

It was always a dream to start some kind of firm. When the Belgian law changed on may 1st of 2019 making it easy to start a company with a starting capital of 1 Euro I did not waste to much time to get this done.

Mainly because three insights came together with an opportunity to make the jump:

  1. I was teaching students how to to optimize their income in a fiscal friendly way
  2.  I was working for three different companies and had to pay way to much income taxes.
  3.  My family was growing and we needed a bigger car

Nothing is Impossible

What I did before I started Jan Solo

The path towards Jan Solo consist of three big chapters. I wrote them down a couple of years ago in a blog post  series dubbed ‘ from the Scrapyard to Jan Solo”. Because Its true at some point in time I work in a garbage disposal scrapyard. If you are keen on reading more about this check out the full story on my substack:

  • Pathways before policing
  • Student by day, Officer by night (or was it the other way around)
  • From IT Consultant to Classroom Innovator